Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

I have an office in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn for in-person appointments (contact me for the exact location and details). I also offer remote appointments over the phone, Zoom, or FaceTime.

What are your hours?

I conduct 45-minute sessions and am available Monday through Friday evenings (5:00pm-9:00pm), and all day on Saturdays (9:00am-9:00pm).

How much do you charge?

My fees are in line with other providers in New York City. Based on your needs, we can discuss further details during your free 15-minute intake consultation.

Do you take insurance / Are sessions tax-deductible?

As a Licensed Master of Social Work (LMSW) service provider, I am unable of practicing psychotherapy as defined by the State of New York. Services rendered will therefore only be considered consultation. Insurance companies have different policies on how to work with out-of-network providers. Please contact them directly for what you will need if you would like to submit claims in this fashion. Costs of professional consultation services are typically tax-deductible. Contact your tax advisor for the IRS standards if you would like to claim treatment as a deduction.

Is what I share really confidential?

Yes—there are only two exceptions. 1) If clients intend to harm themselves or someone else. 2) In specific pertinence to children, I am obligated by law to report suspicion of abuse and/or neglect.

How can I contact you?

Phone: 646-703-4491 (call or text).

Policies & Guidelines

New clients, please download the Policies & Guidelines by clicking the button below. Be sure to sign and return it to your provider via email before your first session.